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Facebook advertising formats – overview of changes

Facebook advertising formats are changing again, and so is the way you buy them. As the social network continues to evolve, the premium Facebook advertising formats can now be bought online through simple self-service tools. Facebook will only unlock greater monetisation of its ad platform if it removes the bottleneck, and this is a good example of thinking more smartly. More on the Facebook advertising formats…

The new ‘Premium Ad’ system will let advertisers buy premium ad inventory — on the home page and within News Feed — through the ‘Ads API’ and ‘Power Editor’ tool, rather than working directly with a Facebook ad representative.
The move means Facebook may be able to better scale its premium advertising product without having to greatly expand its own staff, giving the social network a revenue boost as it seeks top justify its record breaking opening share price on the NASDAQ stock exchange last week.
Boost for third party Facebook ad firms?
Premium ad types include: ads on the right-hand side homepage (including those featuring video, apps or questions), in the news feed on desktop and mobile, and on the log-out page.
Currently, self-service advertisers can only buy certain types of ads and sponsored stories, but others are limited to larger advertisers and agencies, who work directly with salespeople.
The move will givethese third-party ad companies (such as AdParlor, Buddy Media and TBG Digital) access to these ‘higher reach’ ads for the first time. Facebook will give third parties access to premium homepage ads within the feed and right rail, but not mobile inventory. Logout placement and Reach Generator services will also still need to be managed by a Facebook representative.
The Premium Ad system was first unvieled at a Facebook Marketing Conference in New York Feb. 29.
The social network said that “in the coming weeks,” advertisers will be able to purchase premium ad inventory via the power editor, or via the ads application-programming interface.

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