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Bing search share up to nearly 30% in US

Bing-powered searches took nearly 30% of the US market share last month, gaining ground on Google which saw its share fall, according to new research.

The study from Experian Hitwise indicates that Bing-powered search took a 28.99% market share for all searches made in the US for the month of August.
Bing powered search results increased by 3%, specifically search results saw a growth of 1% from July and Yahoo saw an increase of 5% (which is powered by Bing).
Yahoo accounted for 15.89 percent in market share while Bing accounted for 13.20 percent.
Nonetheless, Google still has over twice the market share of Bing-powered search with a market share of 65.09 percent in August in the US, down one percentage point from its share in July.
Search powered by Bing was formed when Microsoft and Yahoo inked an online search and advertising partnership in 2009. Today, Yahoo uses Bing technology to power searches made through their portal.
Furthermore, advertising technology owned by Microsoft also powers advertising on Yahoo while Yahoo is still in command of search-advertising sales, albeit powered by Microsoft technology.
Also, people are searching longer and deeper. They are using more words in the search results to find the search results.

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