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Report: Why e-mail ad statistics are incorrect

Emailing reach is generally up to 40% higher than reported by mail programs, according to a new European report out this week.

This is the most important finding of a survey by AGNITAS, the provider of OpenEMM, the most popular open source software for newsletters, email marketing and transactional emails worldwide.
Test evaluations have shown that numerous recipients of e-mailings do actually read these mails although registered as “non-openers”. Moreover, the newsletters are not only read, but also clicked on and “non-openers” even make purchases.
A major problem facing email service providers (ESPs) is the increasing number of recipients suppressing embedded pictures. ESPs measure opening rates using a “Tracking Pixel”. Recipients reading the email in text mode without pictures do not activate this tracking pixel and aren’t registered as readers.
AGNITAS analyzed the number of openings and clicks of approximately 18 million commercial emails. A considerable share – some 28% – of all those who clicked did not actually open the email in a way allowing measurement. As such the share of readers is roughly 40% higher than the “openers” shown.
Almost one in three clicks were made by recipients, who, according to the standard mailing program’s reporting, had not even opened the email. Counting the clickers who have been tracked as openers against the registered openers allows the share of non-registered openers to be determined via the untracked clickers.
For more detailed information about the survey and its results, download the free file at:

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